When one seek advice from a financial advisor it is normal that one expects an unquestionable expertise, care, and that the matter is properly managed. If your financial advisors have suggested you with poor financial advice or failed to exercise due diligence then you can begin with a formal complaint against your financial adviser and their respective company. You can make an earnest request to the courts or an industry complaint scheme; the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), if your financial adviser’s response is disappointing. For lodging a dispute, there are time limits and when going to a court or FOS, you must know that there are both advantages and disadvantages.
Handling a dispute with financial advice organization and their insurer by yourself can be tough, complex and time-consuming so, it is advisable to seek expert help. Our financial negligence lawyers are experienced in dealing this kind of cases and they will explain your legal rights, as well as provide the clear advice whether to process with legal action for compensation or not. Our Civil Lawyers will make the procedure easier for you by providing clear and comprehensive legal advice.
There are some rules explaining how a financial adviser should deal with the client when providing financial advice to a client. A financial advisor is obligated to the duty of care towards the client who requires them to:
In most of the situations, where the losses are caused by market instability and other disasters cannot be the reason to make a claim. However, when a person’s savings of life or retirements funds are lost because of poor financial advice then the person may be eligible to obtain compensation from the financial advisor.
Contact our CiviLawyers to know how our team can help you with your financial negligence dispute. Having an experienced lawyer on your side can help you to achieve positive outcomes.
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